Being all excited thinking "this is my shot" i changed my schedule around so i could have Tuesday off and drove down there ready, dressed to impress and anxious as hell. I got there, signed in and had to wait with the other people that were there and i have to say I'm surprised with some of the people because one guy showed up in jeans and a hoody, the other guy was loud, obnoxious and kept making jokes of how he was unemployed and his last job was at magic quest. Least to say i was very annoyed but just smiled and waited until we were finally brought in to what seemed like a we walked in there was loud music and all the apple employees were clapping and cheering like we just won a trip to Mexico or something lol. (keep in mind meeting was set from 10AM-12PM) After they introduced themselves and the great opportunity we had being there we were told to stand up, tell everyone our names and your favorite job you have had. After everyone shared some funny stories we started watching apple videos and after each one we were all asked questions about what stood out in the video and our thoughts. After watching 2 videos we all counted off 1-5 and were put in groups with one of the apple managers, we sat down in a circle and were given a ipod touch with some questions we all had to read out loud and answer based on our work experiences. some examples of the questions I answered.
EX) tell us a time when you didnt agree with the customer but came to terms at the end.
EX) tell a time when you had to deliver bad news to a customer and how did you handle the situation.
After we passed the ipod around 3-4 times we were finally all asked one question...."why would we be a good canidate for Apple"
We all took turns trying our best to impress each manager and once we were done we all had the chance to ask them questions. Below is the application we were to fill out and leave a copy of our resume, hope this was some helpful information for anyone planning on attending these meetings.
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