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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Transformers Fall of Cybertron

I'm so excited they finally made a second game following Transformers War for Cybertron. I picked up the original game the day of release and fell in love with it. I love the graphics and so happy they didn't use any of the bullshit from the previous games. The previous transformer games have all been an insult to the franchise...absolutely pathetic in my opinion. Playing War for Cybertron was like playing call of duty..BUT with TRANSFORMERS!! Multiplayer has several modes including, death-match, team death match, conquest, Countdown to extinction, power struggle and code of power. All of these are totally beast and the maps are also really big and have plenty of detail so the graphics are A+. ESCALATION mode is the best hands down for me. I love playing COD ZOMBIES so playing a similar mode but with the exception of being a transformer is totally boss! There are so many maps, some easier then others but there are so many things you can buy. First off you buy doors to open the map up then you can buy ammo, guns, grenades, healing grenades, repair gun...the list goes on! War for Cybertron didn't get enough hype for the amazing game that it is. I wish more people would play this game..average players online are around 500-800. The map additions available on PS3 and Xbox are definitely worth purchasing for $5.00 each or 800 Microsoft points i think lol. Back to fall of Cybertron, I'm really excited and I will definitely be picking up this game on the day of its release. If anyone wants to add me on PS3 my gamer-tag is ijc21. (PLEASE HAVE A MIC :) Check out the two trailers below of the new Fall of Cybertron Game coming out on 08/28/12

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