I started playing this on 7/27 and I have to say I'm impressed but alos disappointed with High Moon Studios. I hoped they would keep everything the same except enhance guns, more perks, new autobots, possible upgrade stations in escalation modes and so on but so far i have noticed changes i dont really like. I loved the trailer on the main menu and really liked how you get to try both the autobot and decepticon campain as well as the multiplayer on the demo which is more then options then your usual demo :)
1.Fall of cybertron features Host Migration which is awesome. While playing the game if the host decides to rage quit the game will no longer end, it will search for a new host like our typical call of duty games do.
2. Guns can be switched from left to right side on each transformer.
3. The Neutron assault rifle is now like the scrap maker so its big, powerful and sounds like your using a huge military machine gun.
4. Every Transformer now has the Dash Feature
5. There are now perks throught out multiplayer maps some being Ultra Power Core which is a Ammo beacon/defense shield/gives you a traingle recticle to help zoom in and kill better.Another perk is the Energon Recharger which is fucking awesome, while activated you have full life. Even if you are getting shot your life wont go down so its infinte life for a limited time. Another perk called intercooler gives you speed so thats cool too.
6. More animation when you die, instead of breaking into pieces you now brake and burst into flames which is pretty cool seeing.
7. In multiplayer, the time in the lobby for the match to start feels like its 10 seconds so its nice not having to wait for another match to start.
8.When you start the game there is no longer a stupid count from 0-100% to get access to the main menu..I freakin hated that stupid thing.
9. While playing the campaign mode im not sure if its just my ps3 but everytime a short movie is played there is a delay. Again it could be my ps3 but if it is the game thats going to be really annoying.
10. In multiplater you can now enhance your guns like we do in mw3 with perks like to increase damage or no recoil when shooting which is awesome and makes you want to play and rank up more.
11. As a scientist you no longer have to shoot your repair gun to heal your teamates, you simply press r2 and it raises the left hand sending healing rays to any transformer near you which is awesome when your double or triple teaming someone and your all airplanes :)POWNED!!!
1. No more double jump :(
2. Guns are huge and some are over powered, hopefully that gets adjusted before the game is released.
3. Abilities are not long enough like on war for cybertron, they seem really really short.
4. Transformations seem a little slow
5. I havent seen any over shields but maybe thats why there are perks??
6. There are no longer any kill streak rewards
7. The amount of life sucks, you get 300% and it seems like it goes down instantly.
8. The energon cubes are so damn tiny its hard to spot them while trying to survive lol
9. Ammo clips are huge and retarted.
10. In the campaign mode there are two different types of ammo refills which is a pain.
11. Each transformer only has 1 ability instead of 2 like in war for cyberton.
12. Since you no longer have time to customize your player in the multiplayer lobby i suggest you customize before you search for a lobby :)
see some pictures below
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