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A couple who fell in love over the phone from Texas to Illinois, join our adventures!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hey guys
I posted a new tutorial video on how to customize your dock using a free program called dock library! please see my video on youtube.com/ihjc00>comment and subscribe :D
If anyone is in need of free programs but dont have the hundreds to dish out please message me. If I get enough request I will do a video give away of any program for macs free full versions.
(programs like cs5,ms office, maxxon cinema 4d, after effects, photoshop etc)

Monday, April 23, 2012


Finally i received my email from AT&T with my instructions on how to permanently unlock my iphone 4 baseband 04.11.08! After weeks of waiting im not really that excited because just a few days ago there were two unlocks released from Gevey (applenberry) and Sam unlock. Its bullshit att took so long to email me but at least its permanently unlocked and i wont have to keep worrying about losing the unlock when a new update comes out :) So the email really doesnt have anything special or any kind of instructions so its so stupid that we all have to wait for them to email us. All the email states is to please restore the phone and once complete the phone would be unlocked. I did mine last night and now its all good to go.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I had nothing to do today so i decided to start cleaning out files on my macbook. I found these pictures i took of my puppies/random shots and decided to share :)

Live Life Abundantly

Bored of living my everyday life, working for a company that sucks i try and think of how different my life would be if i had lots of money, kids, girlfriends etc but i can never actually get myself to do anything to change my life. I want to move out of my boring state (Illinois) and live somewhere along the beach, (doesn't everyone lol) maybe California. I want to start a website that i believe to be a genius idea, once online should get almost everyone using this site. (hopefully) I never realized how many things needed to be done to actually start a website and the waiting thats involved for company names, trademarks, etc so now i have to wait for several things to get registered before i can launch the site. I wish i had geeky friends that could help me with coding and all that good stuff :(

To be continued..

50 Shades of Gray Triology

If you saw my previous post about reading this book then you will remember i was very weary about reading it. I decided to start reading it last Saturday 4/14 when i was going to get my hair cut since it always takes a while waiting for my turn. I sat down and by the time the barber was ready to cut my hair i had read 6 chapters! yes this book is amazing! I finished both books by Thursday 4/19 and i highly recommend them to anyone. I loved being able to read these books and hear the story through a women's perspective as she met Mr. Grey and the thoughts she had while she was with him. I decided not to read the last book until my girlfriend finally catches up and finishes the first two :( So for anyone looking for something interesting to do or something to dull the pain from your normal everyday boring life then i highly highly highly (lol) recommend buying at least the first book (50 Shades of Gray) and tell me what you think :D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Iphone 4 unlock from AT&T

The last time i talked to someone at AT&T they told me i would get my email by today 4/17...(bs)
I called them just now and they have so many request that they are running behind and told me for sure i would have my email within 5-10 business days. They started on sunday 4/8 to unlock and i called monday 4/9 at 1pm...AT&T sucks! I want to use my damn phone...ugh! If i dont get my email im going to just buy the damn rsim. Which is supposed to be out soon, maybe not because that team sucks also, they might as well work for att because they say the same shit every week. "were so close to having the unlock, we need another week"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Imac g5 with a custom Isight

I have one of the old Imac g5's with no camera and instead of buying an external goofy looking one i decided to use the macs original isight from another broken computer and make a custom box for it using the screen. I had to go and buy a dremel from home depot which sucked but it works for a lot of different things so im sure it will come in handy in the future :) I took the isight out of the old computer and my first thought was drilling a hole in my computer and running the wires from the camera inside and then using the usb but i decided not to because once you drill it looks nasty and there's no going back. So here is a video of me making the box and hooking up the camera, ENJOY>!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Reading 50 Shades of Grey

So my girlfriend heard about this book this week and its supposed to be super amazing and full of sex! So she went out and got us both a copy. From what i hear from almost everyone is that were in for one hell of a ride lol. online posts are saying its "mommy porn" If anyone has started reading this book or has finished please tell me if its worth reading lol.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Iphone unlock call to AT&T pt 2**

So i called AT&T today to see whats going on since it has been 48 hours already and they told me they are still working on it. She apologized for the rep telling me it would be 2 days and said i will definitely have a email by tuesday 4/17/12. For anyone who is thinking about calling be prepared to wait up to 7 business days for the unlock code. I will post the email once i get it.

Setting up new Airport Extreme from Apple

so i finally attempted to set up my new airport extreme and i have to say it has a totally stupid and annoying setup. the instrucions on the web/manuals/videos i saw are nothing like what happened to me. first the airport utility did not pop up like the manual set it would, second once i opened up airport utility it took about 5 minutes and pressing rescan button 100 times for it to finally find the damn router. I will be posting a full tutorial on how to install it and also the things that can go wrong since it took me about an hour to figure this damn thing out. This is a great router because of the dual band feature but its a huge pain in the ass to set up.

Follow me and ill update again soon ;)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Iphone unlock call to AT&T

I'm posting this for those of you who are scared of calling or not sure what to say. This is how my conversation went so it was easy and i recommend calling to see if your phone is eligible to be unlocked.

AT&T: Thank you for calling att etc etc blah blah blah! 
Me: Hi, im calling because i recently read online that you guys are now unlocking iphones?
AT&T: yes, thats correct. Are you currently a customer? 
Me: No im not, my co worker gave me his iphone 4 and i wanted to get it unlocked.
AT&T: Not a problem, i can check to see if the phone is eligible to be unlocked. Can i have your name and the EMI #? 
Me: gave her the #
AT&T: do you know the name of the previous customer?
Me: i did so i gave it to them and explained he purchased a new iPhone 4s so thats why he didnt need this phone
AT&T: Thank you, looks like the old owners contract ended so yes this phone is eligible to be unlocked.
Me: thinking in my head (FUCK YEAH)
AT&T: i will submit a work ticket to our unlock team, they will be contacting you within 24-48hours. would you like them to call or email? 
Me: i gave them my email address
AT&T: ok i will submit information now and you will get a response within 24-48hrs

Iphone baseband 04.11.08 Finally UNLOCKED!!

anyone who has been waiting for the iphone 4 baseband 04.11.08 to be unlocked, wait no more. AT&T has announced they will be unlocking iphones for FREE! The phones original owner must have finished the contract or paid a early termination fee in order to qualify for the unlock. I called yesterday at 1pm and they told me they would send me an email within 24-48hours with directions on how to unlock my iphone.
im so glad i dont have to pay or deal with jailbreaking again lol. props to the devteam and applenberry for trying to get the unlock but many wont need it anymore. save yourself the $50.00 and call AT&T to get you phone unlocked. I will a picture of the email once i get it.
if you guys want to see the original post see link below


you do not need to be a AT&T customer to do this. I boguht this phone off of my co worker and there was no issue. if you want to see how my call went see my next blog

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Iphone 4 unlock baseband 04.11.08 Update 04/05/12

anyone who is waiting for this unlock...it has just been announced that unfortunetly the unlock will not be available this week as they are still having issues. see below, update came from eachsupplier.com.
UPDATE April 5th
Apparently it is not easy to unlock iphone 4 baseband 4.11.08, but at this time we have at least 50% to unlock the iphone 4, so we still need 1 week more or less to improve the program, and please stop sending email to us, just add our facebook page or twitter or keep an eye on our site, we will update the info once it is available,
Also it is not a April joker.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


so my first post, i remember i used to use open diary a couple of years ago but the website just fell off, did anyone else use that site?  So im planning on starting to make more youtube videos of the randomness in my life...i really need to get myself an imac :( my macbook can only do so much + i like the feel of doing work at a desk instead of throwing my macbook everywhere. so i work at one of the biggest flooring companys in the chicago area and i have to tell you..it fucking blows..they all suck! working customer service is the worst job ever. Every call is someone crying because if we dont install their carpet they will die of causes unknown LOL>>>its like serisouly people?? its just carpet get the fuck over it. i had this one customer call in saying she just got carpet installed last week and her daughter just spilled something on it so shes wondering if we could refund her money? really lady??do you buy groceries, eat them then ask to return them because you didnt like them?? its really annoying...sorry for venting but its better to here then snap at a customer on the phone, that would be a total FAIL! LOL